Consider the Lilies

>> 3.30.2010

Right now in the central valley of California, wild flowers are painting the hills. It is not often that we get these breathtaking views, in fact, most of the year the hills are covered in dead grass, not able to withstand the scorching heat. However, a few weeks out of the year, God blesses us with a beautiful display. I decided today to take a couple of hours, even though I had ten million other things to do, to take my children out and enjoy them. I'm so glad that I did!
The verse that kept coming to my mind, was Matthew 6:28-29. "See how the lilies of the field grow? They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." After we got home, I looked up an old John Piper Sermon on this verse. I am often convicted of worrying too much about things. This sermon was very convicting! Especially lately, since learning about real food, and the effects the SAD diet, I've found myself finding new and more elaborate ways to sin in anxiousness. "What effect has this diet had on my kids? How long will it be until they will eat, willingly, all of the new nourishing foods I'm introducing to them, what if it is too late and they are already scarred for life???" However, that is not biblical.
Jesus taught that we should not worry about our clothes, our shelter, or our food. That doesn't mean that we don't take care to provide well for our families. We should be "looking well into the ways of our households, and not eating the bread of idleness." (Proverbs 31:27) Of course we should be doing the very best that we can, because that glorifies the Lord! Most of us seem to cross that line though. At least I know I do, I am the master of taking something good, and turning it into an idol. However, isn't it comforting to know the words of Jesus?

"If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown in the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?" Yes, it is important to take good care of our families. It is a blessing to be able to feed them well. It is true however, that we can not add one minute to our lives that He has not ordained. We don't have to be anxious about our lives, (not even about processed foods!) and that is such a wonderful thing to remember.

With Love, Jen

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