Making Meat Go Further

>> 3.25.2010

When you eat right, you pay more. While meat is very nourishing (and delicious!) it can be difficult to afford free range pastured chicken, grass fed beef and wild caught fish at every meal. We decided that in order to incorporate this wonderful nourishing meat into our meals, we would cut back on the amount we ate. Now, instead of each of us eating half a chicken breast for dinner, I will often cook one half breast throw it in a stir fry or tacos or a salad. (My children still do not eat much meat, so this works for us!) One thing I love to do it pop some frozen chicken in the slow cooker with some salsa first thing in the morning, by that evening I have yummy flavorful shredded chicken to use in many different recipes. A little goes a long way, especially if you are using good fats in your side dishes to supplement your meal. It is possible to eat well, frugally... you just have to try a little harder! We think is is well worth the effort.


This post is a part of Pennywise Platter Thursday at The Nourishing Gourmet



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